Grid Watch UK

Saturday 9 December 2017

uBitx multiband HF

A  new HF transceiver from India is about to take to market, offering multiband operation 10 through to 80metres, with the inclusion of the WARC bands and general coverage receive.

Asharr Farhan the designer of the BITX20 and BITX40 has been working on the uBitx project for quite sometime.  Demonstrations, and circuit details have been made available freely to anyone on his website since early Spring 2017, for those who wished to scratch build the transceiver.

But Farhan, not resting on his recent success of producing the single band BITX40 (40m) transceiver, that introduced many to HF for a small price point of "$59" including a recent addition of stable DDS, which he called the Raduino. VU2ESE has now put the uBitx into production, and I understand will be made available soon from his HF Signals website for purchase. (Currently the website only shows the current 40m radio for sale).

Above, a recent tested production run of uBitx transceiver boards.

The uBitx will offer CW and SSB, with 10W output from a pair of IRF510's.  Arduino derived stable DDS using a Si5351 for all the local oscillators.

What you will get in the package will be a fully built and tested board.  My guess is it will be sold with a similar hardware package that was included with the BITX40, which will include the wiring hardware, connectors, pots, power and BNC connectors for the antenna etc. All you will have to do is wire it up, add a speaker and a case to complete the project.

The price for the uBitx has yet to be announced? But again my guess is it will be one of it's major success stories that will take the HF world by storm and introduce many to the affordable world of HF operation. Of course, I expect it will cost more than the BITX40, but you will be getting access to most of the HF spectrum, for something until now that has proved undeliverable to those on small budgets. 

Exciting times, keep watching HF Signals for further details.


Sunil Lakhani VU3SUA said...

Good blog on ubitx. My best wishes


G1KQH said...

Thanks for your kind words Sunil. I have sent you a reply via your Website hope you get it? 73 G1KQH