Grid Watch UK

Saturday, 25 February 2023

FT8CN user manual translated to English


Using Google translate, I uploaded the whole Chinese FT8CN V0.83 user manual PDF file. Except for the illustrations, it has managed to translate the whole file quite successfully to English.

There is enough detail for most to get an understanding of all of it's modes, uses and information.

Download a copy from here



Unknown said...

Thanks for a great job! Despite being a Google machine translation, the essence of the information is clear enough. I succesfully use the V. 0.87 of the software , but the info in this older manual is still very useful! A shout out to BG7YOZ for an excellent piece of software! 73! @Linas_LY2H

Anonymous said...

I click on download here and I get a list of my I would really like a copy of the instructions thank you