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Saturday, 23 January 2016

Carrying On The Practical Way - Practical Wireless - G3RJV

When anyone says QRP they always relate to the Low Power side of our hobby and the GQRP Club  founded by the Rev George Dobbs (G3RJV), over 40 years ago. Some may not know that George has written columns and many pages for technical radio hobby magazines over the years.

One being is Practical Wireless which he has written on average a two page monthly article for the last 20 years or so, called "Carrying on the Practical Way". The series consisted of simple electronic projects which could be built up out of a scrap box of components on a dark Winters evening. The projects have always proved to be very useful and popular, whether just a simple Colpitts oscillator, amplifier, low Pass filter. Or  maybe something a bit more technical to  get you on the air! A Receiver and a QRP Transmitter along with some simple test equipment to help you prove what you had built was functional, accurate and even transmitting a carrier. All which were covered by his simple designs in the series.

I had wrote to PW several years ago, asking them to collate the pages together and release this as a book, as it had been one of the most useful and methodical technical series, I thought this had fell on deaf ears?

 However, recently G3RJV retired from writing for Practical Wireless, and they have now decided the time was right to release the entire series on disk in PDF format.

Mine arrived in the post this morning, and it's something I will be busy looking over in my spare time, as some of the articles I have missed as I have a hole in my PW collection.
Carrying on the Practical Way is available from PW publishing LTD for £15 plus postage. Click on this Link for further details. Please note! I have no connection with PW so please don't contact me.

I recommend this series to the novice and those just starting out in electronics, or even the mature converted like myself. There is something in it for everyone, timeless, simple understandable electronics, that is a bonus in the shack and it is well worth a purchase.


Roger G3XBM said...

A good idea and a good buy. 73s Roger G3XBM

Dave Richards said...

Thanks for the heads-up Steve. This will be as much fun to browse through as the SPRAT archives. Looking forward to it!


G1KQH said...

Your welcome Dave, this has been a very popular post infact the most popular one I have written so far, with hundreds of views in the last couple of days. Let's hope PW appreciate how Blogging is very popular with Amateur's and how it can improve sales!

73 Steve

F5NZY said...

I ordered mine!

Thanks for sharing it with us...

73 de Steph, F5NZY, GQRP 5778

G1KQH said...

Your welcome Steph, a great series from the Rev, I am sure you will get many hours of enjoyment and ideas from it..

73 Steve