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Monday, 23 October 2017

The great British export - Sprat on DVD 1974 -2017

You could say amongst our Chinese purchases what is there good from the UK for our hobby?

My new SPRAT DVD arrived this morning, complete in it's jewel case. Although a collaboration of designs and work from G-QRP members from around the world, you could say it is one of the best exports from the UK, putting knowledge right back into the Amateur's hands.

The DVD is well put together as always, an excellent scan of each magazine, with good indexing. Used in conjunction with your browser and PDF reader, you are right on top of each issue.

Revised right up to this current Autumn issue 2017 it has got to be a good stocking filler.

Of course you have to buy one to see if I am right, but I don't think  many will be disappointed, especially with the price!

See my previous write up about it's launch:  sprat-on-dvd-2017

Review soon! G600 Microscope.

Chinese purchases have been few and far between during the last 12 months or so, apart from a few component orders. With time as scarce as hens teeth lately I have not written a review for sometime, but I have returned and have one or two interesting items coming shortly, it will nice to be back.

This one made my mouse button make a sudden impulse buy, as I thought it could be a useful addition to the workbench, especially those like me having ailing eyesight with close up work.

The G600 Microscope including screen, could be a bonus to our hobby arrived this morning, however there is one little extra that needs purchasing before I write anymore, should of ordered it when I placed the intial order. So I guess it will be another month or so before that arrives from China?

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Sprat on DVD 2017

                I have just been in touch with G3MFJ G-QRP club sales and he confirms

                                           A new Sprat DVD is now available.                        

                      As I have explained before, but for those that don't read things.
     SPRAT is the journal of the G-QRP club, and is well worth reading for all it's circuits
                  and QRP designs sent in via it's membership from around the world.

 Price for "members only" is £5 (6.5 Euro, USA $8.0, AU$9.5, and NZ$10.5) plus p&p
         non members price is £12 plus postage £1.20 (UK), £3.50 (EU), £5.00 (DX)

What they normally say to non members, is join and you get a membership UK price for £6. Which includes 4 Sprats per year, and then you can purchase the DVD at the reduced members price.

More details from the G-QRP Website

Join G-QRP club here