Grid Watch UK

Monday 12 August 2019

The Antuino from HF Signals

HF Signals the small company in India headed by VU2ESE, that has recently brought us lots of fun with the BITX40 and the uBITX HF radio kits, has now done it again with the launch of the Antuino.

His headline for the device is: A compact Radio Lab for Antennas and Radio circuits.

I would like to think of it as a mini Radio Test Set that can help us understand what is going on up the antenna, as well as being a useful tool to help analyse what is happening within the radio or what problems exist within the RF signal it outputs. The plus of course it is hackable, so anyone can join in the fun and improve it with addons or make it's firmware better.

At $99 this is sure going to be another useful instrument to any Amateur's test equipment toolbox.

For a better understanding pop down to HF Signals:

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