Grid Watch UK

UK Electricity National Grid Status output per production type

Friday, 10 October 2014


I have been thinking about this for sometime, after some Ham friends and others have said to me "Steve you have good ideas at times and find some excellent search's for us Amateurs why don't you write a blog? You have been feeding others with the information for years" True I have made some excellent friends like Roger G3XBM via his great blogging exploits and  QRP projects, along with Hans PD0AC's radio antics . I don't expect I will write things to the same high standard as these pair for a while, as I do not have the time at the moment, but I hope I will make some sort of valuable contribution to Amateur radio over the years..

A bit about myself, I have been licenced since 1984. I never went to a RAE course, I just read up a few books on the subject like the Radio Communications Handbook  armed with this info I walked into Cannock Chase technical college, and came out with 2 passes after nervously waiting for a few months for the results.. Not bad I thought? Of course I had been interested in radio since the mid 70s when I built crystal sets, and worked in the local television shop on a Friday after school and all day Saturdays. Along with the school radio club,  backstage lighting productions and the local drama club Rugeley players, I carried the knowledge forward and got some sort of career out of it and worked in the trade at Thorn EMI Automation's Test dept for 14 years or so..

Since 1984 my main Amateur interests have been largely around VHF/UHF and some 50MHz operation, using a Yaesu FT-736R. Nowadays it is small HF QRP projects (when I can find the time to construct).  Some may remember me from the AX25 Mailbox (GB7RUG) I ran for over 5 years,  I built it myself from converted ex CT2 units for the TNCs, and Pye PMR M & MX series radios for the radio ports, along with a 386 PC running DOS and FBB mailbox software on top of a G8BPQ node switch  package. It certainly was  full of fun and stress with 60 users at its peak, mail forwarding South to GB7COV via a 70cm link & North via a 4m link to GB7NOT. Fully operational 24/7 Serving Mid Staffordshire Radio Hams, it never failed once!  I retired the BBS at the end of 2001, I felt it had run its course with the Internet now in full steam..


PE4BAS, Bas said...

Hello Steve, I've put you in my blogroll. Hopefully we will read interesting things here in the near future. 73, Bas

G1KQH said...

Thanks Bas,

I will do the same when I get to grips with the blogging desktop. Grrr!

73 Steve

Roger G3XBM said...

Good luck with the blog Steve. Never tried packet.

G1KQH said...

There are still a few GB7 packet mailboxes around both GB7COV & GB7NOT still exist!

You don't need a Packet radio TNC, or radio, to connect to these maiboxes any longer, GB7COV supports connection via Telnet (connection over the internet), which the Packet program Winpack (written by the late G4IDE) supports. It is quite easy to configure. I still use it to keep in touch with a few left on the Packet network today.

73 G1KQH

G1KQH said...

Download a copy of Winpack from here:

73 G1KQH